
Saitama club adult tests 7/7

On Sunday, July the 7th two people tested during the Aikido Meiryukan Saitama adult class.

The 10th kyu test was solid. We have been working hard on the 6 basic movements for over 4 months. Great focus, especially considering this heat.

The 4th kyu test was good as well. Most of the techniques were learnt years ago in the kids class, so no problem there. The kihon dosa with a partner was a first, but both the shite and uke roles were done well. 


Still a few more weeks of testing to go

New faces and visitors at Sunday`s Aikido Meiryukan Saitama club. 

Although our big joint test day is finished, we still have the various club summer tests throughout July. Saitama is the first on the list, with their grading on Sunday, July 7th.

The Urayasu 3rd kyu and above tests will be held on Saturday, the 20th and Sunday July the 21st. Spectators welcome!


Sunday Saitama

Sunday, June 2nd Aikido Meiryukan Saitama

In the student/family class we worked on both one wrist and both wrist grasp shihonage 1 & 2, then shomen uchi kotegaeshi 2
We finished up with some core training.

In the adult class we started off with ryote mochi kokyu-ho ichi, then into ryote mochi tenchinage ichi, broke into groups for ikkajonage, kokyunage and kotegaeshi. Finished with some test training.


Meiryukan Saitama

Since last month Aikido Meiryukan Saitama has classes on not only Sunday mornings, but Friday evenings as well. 

For the time being, the Friday evening classes will be held once a month from 7:15pm to 8:15pm. A perfect time to let off some stress from the long work week and get refreshed for the weekend. Visitors always welcome!

On May 17th we worked on 





On Sunday the 19th



We had visitors from both the Noda and Fukiage clubs. Great atmosphere, and great energy!


New Friday evening class 新クラス


Starting yesterday, a new Friday night class at the Kamiokubo junior-high in Saitama city. For the time being we are going to hold this class once a month, then go from there if interest keeps. The class is from 19:15 to 20:15. Visitors welcome! Next class is scheduled for Friday, May 17th. See you then.




2024年3月23日(土) 野田市の清水公園にてお花見をします(雨天中止となります)。明龍館で少し食べ物等

 講習会:野田市総合公園体育館 9:30~10:30(中学生以上)、10:45~11:45(幼少年部/一般部合同)

お花見:野田市清水公園 12:30~ ※参加費:幼少年部¥500、大人/保護者含む¥1,000