
After work keiko?

Friday evening classes at the Aikido Meiryukan Saitama branch have been filling up! The class here at the Kamiokubo junior high school starts at 7:15pm, so bring your dogi to the office and then swing by on the way home! A great way to finish off your work week and get refreshed for the weekend. Visitors always welcome!


Saitama 1/19

Keeping warm at Aikido Meiryukan Saitama Sunday class. The students class worked on tai no henko ni and ken dori hijiate. Always fun to get our hands on some weapons! Ponits are the same - turn on our toes, back leg straight, strong zanshin.

In the adults class we did some side strike techniques - yokomen uchi yonkajo osae ichi, suwari waza yokomen uchi yonkajo osae ni, yokomen uchi shomen iriminage ichi, yokomen uchi ikkajonage

Block with proper body alignment and posture, not arm strength.