
10/20 おめでとう!


Congratulations to all who passed the Fall tests. Results are up on the Meiryukan HP. You can get the password from your instructor or dojo representative.

Note: 10/27 there will be no Aikido Meiryukan Saitama classes. Instead we will be holding a self defence trial lesson as part of the Matsumoto Shuki sports festival. 




On Friday evening at Saitama we worked on 片手持ち側面入り身投げ(二)、正面打ち正面入り身投げ(二)立、座

The entering movement in both of these #2 techniques is really difficult. Be careful not to have your feet too wide after the pivot. Don`t push against your partner, think of the flow and enter from the side.



Friday and Sunday at Meiryukan Saitama

Friday evening at Meiryukan Saitama we practiced 両手持ち天地投げ(一)(ニ)立、座aswell as 両手持ち一ヶ条抑え(ニ) - keeping the connection on both hands throughout the technique.

On Sunday we worked on 正面打ち肘締め(ニ)立、座 - not trying to catch the elbow too early. Also worked on the correct way to take uke. Finished with a more flowing variation from hijishime to kotegaeshi.




On Sunday morning at Meiryukan Saitama the student/family class continued from last week`s tai no henko ichi then into the related technique, katate mochi sokumen iriminage ichi. Points were about the direction of feet and body angles.

Highschool blackbelt Yuna led the second half of the class, assisted by her younger brother Soichiro. Great job guys!



In today`s morning Saitama class we went through some basics, then continued from last week`s lesson and moved into pivoting practice and shomen uchi ikkajo osae ni. This class was assisted by Yuna and Yukari. Way to look after your juniors, great job!


Saitama club adult tests 7/7

On Sunday, July the 7th two people tested during the Aikido Meiryukan Saitama adult class.

The 10th kyu test was solid. We have been working hard on the 6 basic movements for over 4 months. Great focus, especially considering this heat.

The 4th kyu test was good as well. Most of the techniques were learnt years ago in the kids class, so no problem there. The kihon dosa with a partner was a first, but both the shite and uke roles were done well.